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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Tensile Stress-Crack Opening Relationship of Ultra High Performance Cementitious Composites(UHPCC) Used for Bridge Decks
Authors 권승희 ; 이승국 ; 박성용 ; 조근희 ; 조정래
Page pp.46-54
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 초고성능 시멘트 복합체 ; 균열저항성 ; 인장응력-균열개구 관계 ; 역해석 ; 파괴실험 UHPCC ; Cracking resistance ; Tensile stress-crack opening relationship ; Inverse analysis ; Fracture test
Abstract Two different UHPCCs having different fiber lengths and volume fractions are considered to be applied to bridge decks. The objective of this study is to estimate cracking resistance of the two UHPCCs. The notched beam tests were performed with the UHPCCs, and the relationships between load and CMOD(Crack Mouth Opening Displacement) were obtained from the tests. The tensile stress and crack opening relationships optimally fitting the measured load-CMOD curves were found through the inverse analyses. The UHPCC with 2% volume fraction of 13 mm long fiber has lower fracture energy than the UHPCC with 0.5% and 1.0% volume fractions of 16.3 mm and 19.5 mm long fibers, respectively. It indicates that the latter UHPCC is more effective in uniformly distributing crack formation and reducing crack width.