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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Effect of Types of Accelerators and Replacement Levels of GGBFS on the Performance of Shotcrete Mortars
Authors 이승태 ; 김성수 ; 김동규 ; 박광필
Page pp.76-84
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 숏크리트 모르타르 ; 급결제 ; 고로슬래그 미분말 ; 응결시간 ; 전기저항성 ; 염소이온 침투저항성 Shotcrete mortar ; Accelerator ; GGBFS ; Setting time ; Electrical resistivity ; Chloride ions penetration resistance
Abstract In this study, some engineering properties of OPC and GGBFS shotcrete mortars with alkali-free or aluminate accelerator were experimentally examined. As a result, GGBFS mortars with alkali-free accelerator were significantly similar to OPC mortars with same accelerator with respect to both setting time and compressive strength. Comparatively, GGBFS mortars with aluminate accelerator showed a good performance with an increased replacement of GGBFS. Furthermore, when replaced with GGBFS over 50%, the mortars exhibited superior performances of electrical resistivity and chloride ions penetration resistance. Accordingly, it is suggested that GGBFS has a beneficial effect as shotcreting materials in the condition of proper replacement levels.