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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Influence of Micro-Structural Characteristics of Concrete on Electrical Resistivity
Authors 윤인석
Page pp.122-129
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 전기저항 ; 염소확산계수 ; 미세구조 특성 ; Electirical resistivity ; Chloride diffusivity ; Micro-structure properties
Abstract Since electrical resistivity of concrete can be measured in a more rapid and simple way than chloride diffusivity, it should be primarily regular quality control of the electrical resistivity of concrete which provides the basis for indirect of quality control of chloride diffusivity during concrete construction. If this is realized, the electrical resistivity of concrete can be a crucial parameter to establish maintenance strategy for marine concrete structures. The purpose of this study is to develop, design and test a surface electrical resistivity measurement protocol. Microstructural affecting factors such as capillary water, porosity, tourtousity, and so on, on the electrical resistivity of concrete were examined taking into account for mixing proportion properties, and hydration stage. This study can provide a non-destructive approach for durability design of marine concrete. From the relationship between electrical resistivity and chloride diffusivity, it is expected that the result is subsequently used as a calibration curve for an indirect control of the chloride diffusivity based on regular measurements of the electrical resistivity during concrete construction.