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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Study on Reinforcement Effect of Circular RC Columns by Helical Bar Under Cyclic Lateral Load
Authors 김성겸 ; 박종권 ; 한상희 ; 김병철 ; 장일영
DOI jksmi.2014.18.1.048
Page pp.48-58
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 준정적 실험 ; Helical Bar ; 내진보강 ; 원형기둥 ; 나선보강 ; 연성도 평가 ; 에너지 평가 Quasi-static test ; Helical bar ; Seismic reinforcement ; Circular column ; Spiral reinforcement ; Ductility evaluation ; Energy assessment evaluation
Abstract In this study, quasi-static according to the displacement-controlled (strain control) method tests on RC columns for seismic reinforcement performance in accordance with the provisions of the seismic design and construction before 1992 design code for highway bridges in korea. Used reinforcement that improves the performance of Inorganic Helical Bar, a kind of alloy steel, circular columns were tested outside the seismic reinforcing. In the experiment, fracture behavior, lateral load-displacement relation, ductility and energy assessment evaluation was performed through tests. The variables in experimental are section force of reinforcement, spiral reinforcement spacing, reinforcement method. Improved seismic performance and effect were confirmed through quasi-static test experiments. The results of study confirmed determination the appropriate size of reinforcement, reinforcement forces, spacing and selection of the type required, furthermore, not only mechanical reinforcement but also substitution of high-strength concrete reinforced with concrete cover improved seismic performance.