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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Development of Statistical/Probabilistic-Based Adaptive Thresholding Algorithm for Monitoring the Safety of the Structure
Authors 김태헌(Tae-Heon Kim) ; 박기태(Ki-Tae Park)
Page pp.1-8
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords Structural health monitoring ; Abno
Abstract Recently, buildings tend to be large size, complex shape and functional. As the size of buildings is becoming massive, the need for structural health monitoring(SHM) technique is ever-increasing. Various SHM techniques have been studied for buildings which have different dynamic characteristics and are influenced by various external loads. Generally, the visual inspection and non-destructive test for an accessible point of structures are performed by experts. But nowadays, the system is required which is online measurement and detect risk elements automatically without blind spots on structures. In this study, in order to consider the response of non-linear structures, proposed a signal feature extraction and the adaptive threshold setting algorithm utilized to determine the abnormal behavior by using statistical methods such as control chart, root mean square deviation, generalized extremely distribution. And the performance of that was validated by using the acceleration response of structures during earthquakes measuring system of forced vibration tests and actual operation.