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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Development of the Corrosion Deterioration Inspection Tool for Transmission Tower Members
Authors 우상균(Sang-Kyun Woo) ; 윤병돈(Byong-Don Youn) ; 김기중(Ki-Jung Kim) ; 추인엽(In-Yeop Chu)
Page pp.77-83
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords Transmission tower ; Maintenance ; Corrosion deterioration inspection ; RGB ; Color image processing
Abstract Recently, interests for maintenance of transmission tower are increasing to extend life of structures and reduce maintenance cost. However, existing classical diagnosis method of corrosion deteriorated degree on the transmission tower steel members, visual inspection, has a problem that error often due to difference of inspector’s individual knowledge and experience. In order to solve the problem, this study carried out to develop the corrosion deterioration inspection tool for transmission tower steel members. This tool is composed of camera equipment and computer-aided diagnosis system. We standardized the photographing method by camera equipment to obtain suitable pictures for image processing. Diagnosis system was designed to evaluate automatically degree of corrosion deterioration for member of transmission tower on the basis of the RGB color image processing techniques. It is anticipated that developed the corrosion deterioration inspection tool will be very helpful in decision of optimal maintenance time for transmission tower corrosion.