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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Development of Risk Breakdown Structure of Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Project: Focusing on Structural Damage / Work Process Risks
Authors 김별(Byeol Kim) ; 이주성(Joo-Sung Lee) ; 안용한(Yong-Han Ahn)
Page pp.38-45
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 원자력발전소 ; 제염공사 ; 해체공사 ; 제염해체공사 ; 위험요소 ; 리스크 요인 NPP(Nuclear Power Plant) ; Decommissioning ; Dismantling ; D&D ; Hazard ; Risk factor
Abstract The purpose of this study is to deduct the structural damage / work process risks factors which can be occurred during the decommissioning in the NPP containment concrete structure. To achieve these purpose, risk profile specified in the construction industry is analyzed, and the work process of NPP decommissioning and the construction project were matched based on the similarity of each works. Accordingly, human and physical risk factors are classified. Finally, the risk associated with the building structure and work process was classified as per their process activities, and risk typology explaining the disaster which put the structure, equipments, machine and workers in serious danger was developed.