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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Porosity and Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Coated by Surface enhanced type Water Repellent
Authors 한운우(Woonwoo Han) ; 이병재(Byungjae Lee)
Page pp.1-7
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 복합슬래그골재; 입상인공제올라이트; 해수정화; 친환경 다공질콘크리트 slag aggregate; granular artificial zeolite; sea-water purification; environmentally friendly porous concrete
Abstract As of 2018, Steel slag was generated approximately 24.23 million tons. Howeve, except blast furnace slag, steel slag is a typical by-product which does not have a clearly defined purpose in recycling. Thus, countries around the world are putting great efforts into developing a purpose for the recycling of steel slag. The vast habitat foundation of marine life has been destroyed due to recent reckless marine development and environment pollution, resulting in intensification of the decline of marine resources, and a solution to this issue is imperative. In order to propose a method to recycle large amounts of by-product slag into a material that can serve as an alternative to natural aggregate, the engineering properties and applicability for each mixing factor of environment friendly porous concrete as a material for the composition of seawater purification were in this study. Regarding the nutrient elution properties, it was clear that the nutrients continuously flowed out up to an immersion time by 8 months in natural seawater; the nitrogenous fertilizer displayed excellent elution properties in this regard.