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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Material Strength and Deformation Performance of Highly Ductile High-Strength Cement Composite
Authors 최정일(Jeong-Il Choi) ; 이방연(Bang Yeon Lee) ; 김윤용(Yun Yong Kim)
Page pp.51-58
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 시멘트계 복합체; 재료강도; 변형 성능; 보강섬유 Cement Composite; Material Strength; Deformation Performance; Reinforcing Fiber
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate experimentally the material strength and tensile deformation behavior of highly ductile high-strength cement composites reinforced by synthetic fibers. Materials and mixture proportions were designed to make composites with a strength level of 80 MPa in compression. Two kinds of polyethylene fibers with different properties were employed as reinforcing fibers. A series of experiments on density, compressive strength, and deformation performance was performed. Experimental results showed that the tensile behavior and cracking patterns of cement composite strongly depends on the types of reinforcing fibers. It was also demonstrated that the cement composite with a compressive strength of 77.7 MPa and a tensile strain capacity of 7.9% can be manufactured by using a proper polyethylene fiber.