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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title An Analytical Study on Encased Steel Composite Columns Fire Resistance According to Axial Force Ratio
Authors 김예솜(Ye-Som Kim) ; 최병정(Byong-Jeong Choi)
Page pp.97-107
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 축력비; 내화시간; 매입형 합성기둥; 유한요소해석 Axial force ratio; Fire time; SRC column; Finite element analysis
Abstract In this study, finite element analysis was carried out through the finite element analysis program (ANSYS) to investigate the fire resistance of composite columns in fire. Transient heat transfer analysis and static structural analysis were performed according to ASTM E 119 heating curve and axial force ratio 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 by applying stress-strain curves according to temperature, and loading heating experiments were carried out under the same conditions. In addition, the nominal compressive strength of the composite column according to the heating time according to the standard(Eurocode 4) was calculated and expressed as the axial force ratio and compared with the analytical and experimental values. Through the analysis, As a result of finite element analysis, the fire resistance time was 180 minutes and similar value to the experimental value was obtained, whereas the fire resistance time 150 minutes and 60 minutes were derived from the axial force ratios 0.6 and 0.7. In addition, it was confirmed that the fire resistance time according to the axial force ratio calculated according to the reference equation (Eurocode 4) was lower than the actual experimental value. However, it was confirmed that the standard(Eurocode 4) was higher than the experimental value at the axial force ratio of 0.7. Accordingly, it is possible to confirm the fire resistance characteristics(time-axial force ratio relationship) of the SRC column at high axial force, and to use the experimental and anaylsis data of the SRC column as the data for verification based on Eurocode.