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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Evaluation of Fundamental Properties and Chloride Penetration Resistance of Concrete Using Superabsorbent Polymers
Authors 이찬규(Chan-Kyu Lee) ; 김일순(Il-Sun Kim) ; 최소영(So-Yeong Choi) ; 양은익(Eun-Ik Yang)
Page pp.50-59
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 염화물 침투 저항성; 양생 조건; 전기저항; 기초물성; 고 흡수성 폴리머 Chloride penetration resistance; Curing condition; Electrical resistivity; Fundamental properties; Superabsorbent polymers
Abstract Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP) expands inside concrete by absorbing water and contracts as it discharges water. Through this process, concrete can achieve the internal curing effect, but the space occupied by the expanded SAP remains as a void. In this study, the effects of SAP internal curing and voids were evaluated by evaluating the fundamental properties and chloride penetration resistance of SAP mixed concrete. Also, to evaluate the internal curing effect by SAP, the tests were carried out under water and sealed curing conditions, respectively. From the result, the compressive strength of water curing did not differ significantly according to the mixing ratio of SAP. In the case of sealed curing, however, the compressive strength tended to increase as the mixing ratio of SAP increased. The internal curing effect of sealed curing was considered to have influenced the increase in compressive strength. In the case of the chloride diffusion coefficient, the diffusion coefficient tended to decrease as the mixing ratio of SAP increased. In particular, as the sealed curing is applied, the chloride penetration resistance is further improved due to internal curing effect. If the curing conditions are different, it is considered inappropriate to estimate the chloride penetration resistance by the surface electrical resistivity.