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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Nonlinear Tensile Behavior Analysis of Torque-controlled Expansion Anchors Using Finite Element Analysis
Authors 방진수(Jin Soo Bang) ; 윤일로(Ilro Youn) ; 권양수(Yangsu Kwon) ; 임홍재(Hong Jae Yim)
Page pp.91-99
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 후설치 앵커; 인장 성능; 기하학적 요소; 유한요소해석 Post-installed anchor; Tensile capacity; Geometric element; FE analysis
Abstract Post-installed anchors were widely used due to its workable benefits. Regarding the resistance performance of anchors, the critical edge distanceis presented to minimize the impact of concrete splitting. In the case of actual anchors, however, it is difficult to obtain the ideal edge distance. Thepurpose of this study is to identify resistance performance and behavior characteristics that contain complex elements such as concrete crack occurringunder tensile load. Tensile tests were conducted based on the standard method. Failure shape and the resistance characteristics that do not have thecritical edge distance were derived by tensile load. Parametric analysis according to the boundary condition was performed to simulate the actual tensilebehavior, through a nonlinear finite element model based on the specimen. Consequently therefore, verifying analysis results the resistance mechanismcan be applied through boundary conditions.