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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Temperature-dependent Diffusion Coefficient of Chloride Ion in UAE Concrete
Authors 황지원(Ji-Won Hwang) ; 권성준(Seung-Jun Kwon)
Page pp.48-54
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 확산계수; 온도; 내구성 설계; 활성화 에너지; UAE 콘크리트 Diffusion coefficient; Temperature; Durability design; Activation energy; UAE concrete
Abstract NPP (Nuclear power plant) structures have been constructed near to the sea shore line for cooling water and exposed to steel corrosion due to chloride attack. Regarding NPP structures built in the UAE, chloride transport may be more rapid than those in the other regions since the temperature near to the coast is high. In this study, concrete samples with 5,000psi (35MPa) design strength grade were manufactured with the materials and mix proportions, which were the same as used in the UAE NPP structures, then chloride diffusion coefficients were evaluated considering temperature and curing age. The compressive strength and the diffusion coefficient were evaluated and analyzed for the samples with 28 and 91 curing days. In addition, chloride diffusion tests for 91-day-cured condition were carried out in the range of 20℃ to 50℃. The activation energy was obtained through converting the temperature slope to a logarithmic function and it was compared with the previous studies. The proposed activation energy can be useful for a reasonable durability design by using actual temperature-dependent chloride diffusion coefficient.