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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Characteristics of Cement-based Repair Materials for Concrete Recovery according to Redispersible Polymer Powder Mixing Ratio
Authors 이선목(Sun-Mok Lee) ; 조성우(Sung-Woo Cho) ; 이병재(Byung-Jae Lee)
Page pp.135-141
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 콘크리트 단면 복구; 보수 모르타르; 폴리머; 균열저항성능; 역학 특성; 내구 특성 Concrete repair; Repair materials; Polymer; Crack resistance; Mechanical properties; Durability properties
Abstract In this study, the compressive strength and elastic modulus, adhesion and flexural tensile strength according to the incorporation of redispersible polymer powder into cement-based mortar, which is the most commonly used repair material for concrete section restoration, were examined, and further, the crack resistance and chloride ion penetration resistance were measured to evaluate the volume stability and durability. As a result, the compressive strength and elastic modulus evaluation results showed that the compressive strength and elastic modulus tended to decrease as the amount of VAE polymer added increased. The bond strength and flexural strength showed that tended to increase as the polymer mixing ratio increased. The crack resistance showed that the higher VAE polymer mixing ratio, the more delayed the crack initiation period was. This is believed to be the result of the polymer mixing improving the tensile strength of the repair material and suppressing shrinkage stress. The chloride ion penetration resistance evaluation showed that when the VAE polymer mixing ratio was 6% or higher, the chloride ion penetration resistance was at the "very low" level. However, when the VAE polymer mixing ratio 3% or less was not satisfied “low”.