Title |
Experimental Study of Joint Behavior in Half PC Wall System Subjected to In-Plane Loads
Authors |
윤차영(Cha-Young Yun) ; 김재현(Jae-Hyun Kim) ; 김민준(Min-Jun Kim) ; 이득행(Deuck-Hang Lee) ; 김강수(Kang-Su Kim) |
https://doi.org/10.11112/jksmi.2025.29.1.17 |
Keywords |
하프 PC; 벽식구조 시스템; 면내방향 거동; 정착철근; 구조성능 Half PC; Wall system; In-plane behavior; Anchorage reinforcement; Structural performance |
Abstract |
This study conducted an experimental investigation on the in-plane behavior of half PC (Precast Concrete) wall-type structure joints with various reinforcement details. Six full-scale specimens were fabricated, which varied in construction method, anchorage reinforcement type, and reinforcement ratio, followed by quasi-static cyclic loading tests. The test results allowed for a comparative analysis of each specimen’s structural performance, such as their strength, energy dissipation capacity, stiffness degradation, and slip. Additionally, the strength of the specimens was quantitatively evaluated in accordance with the current structural design codes. The results indicated that the Half PC wall-type structure joints exhibited slightly lower in-plane structural performance compared to RC (Reinforced Concrete) wall-type structure joints, but they sufficiently met the current structural design criteria regarding the diaphragm.