Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Spatial Pattern of the Residential Environment Improvement Districts Based on Roads and Lots in Jin-Ju City
Authors 윤영미 ; 안재락
Page pp.43-57
Keywords 주거환경개선 ; 공간질서 ; 도로 ; 필지 residential environment improvement ; spatial pattern ; roads ; lots
Abstract This study has analyzed the status of the residential environment improvement districts through the questionnaire of residents and the continuity of the roads and lots by using 13 districts in Jin-Ju City. The 13 districts have been classified into three types as follows ; 1) spreading road, 2) new road, and 3) mixed road type according to the system of access road. This study has found out that there has been no change or slight increase in the number of alleyway out of 13 districts after the improvement. The relationship between the roads and lots has been maintained in the spreading road type and the mixed road type. However, there has been weak improvement effect on accessibility. Even though the new road type has improved accessibility, the relationship between the roads and lots has become distorted.