Title |
An Environmental Analysis of Social Housing Estate Master Plans for the Seoul Metropolitan Region |
Keywords |
환경친화주거단지 ; 토지이용 ; 교통 및 동선 ; 에너지 및 자원 ; 생태환경 Environmentally Friendly Housing Estates ; Land Use ; Traffic & Movement ; Energy & Natural Resources ; Ecological Environment |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the environmental character of housing development in Korea by analysing environmentally friendly design (E.F.D.) elements adopted at planning stage. Housing complexes for lease located in green belt zone of the Seoul metropolitan area were chosen as case studies for analysis. These complexes were analysed in terms of land use, traffic, movement, energy, natural resources, and ecological and architectural aspect. As a result, four main issues were revealed. First, it is good that from the planning stage E.F.D. concepts were adopted and ecological resources, such as highlands, streams, marshes, and wildlife habitats, were being conserved. Also, architectural components, such as building shape, and density, showed more diversity than that of regular residential design. Second, in terms of density, traffic, movement, and other geographical features, the case studies showed little difference to regular building design. Also, these elements were not applied equally in all E.F.D. cases. Third, although many environmentally friendly elements relating to landscape were adopted actively, the elements relating to energy and water conservation and green network system were not included widely. |