Title |
A Study on the Application of Tax Increment Financing to UrbanRedevelopment Projects |
Keywords |
도시정비사업 ; 도심재개발 ; 조세담보금융(TIF) ; 재산세 ; 세수증가분 ; 재원조달 ; 공공용지 Urban Renewal Project ; Redevelopment ; Tax Increment Financing ; PropertyTax ; Public Financing |
Abstract |
In this study, the validity of using TIF(Tax Increment Financing) as a public financingmethod was examined under the premise that public participation and public investment oninfrastructure, etc. is needed to activate redevelopment project. For this purpose, through thecase study of Juksun area’s redevelopment project, the actual change of tax incrementthroughout the redevelopment was estimated, and how much the TIF money is needed tomeet the public infrastructure cost was analysed. As a result, property tax increment wasestimated to 12.1 billion won. It was also analysed that each increment could pay for 55% ofall public infrastructure cost and also could pay for 85% of public infrastructure(parks andgreen space, etc.) cost excluding the cost of creating a new road. As stated above, TIF couldbe an effective public financing method to activate redevelopment project. |