Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Present Situation and Problems of Illuminating Buildings in Historical Cultural Areas - Focused on the Building of Central Business District in Kang-Book Area, Seoul
Authors 이정아 ; 이미진 ; 정재용
Page pp.55-70
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 역사적건축물 ; 야간경관 ; 경관조명 ; 빈도분석 Historic Buildings ; Nighttime Landscape ; Exterior Lighting ; Frequency Analysis
Abstract In order to improve the night scenery within ‘Historic and Culturally Symbolic Area’which represents the historical characteristics of Seoul, this study aims to analyze factors thatform the night scenery, identify problems and offer the measure to improve it by focusing onthe effect that the city has as a new urban landmark. The research results are as follows :First, the use of peripheral floodlight need to consider the selection of appropriate location,the intensity of light, floodlight and so on. Second, a unique way of lighting has to bedesigned by clearly figuring out what characterizes the buildings with the lighting facilitycarefully managed. Third, it is considered that a guideline has to be provided on theinstallation of neon-lights and outdoor advertisement lights around historic buildings, andefforts have to be made to enhance the environment near the buildings greatly valued astourist attraction. The conclusion of this paper calls for a review of current institutionalframework is needed as well as a establishment of a comprehensive lighting plan at the urbanplan level to enhance night scenery of historical area of Seoul.