Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Effect of Building-Control-Elements on the Visual Preference of the Streetscape
Authors 김충식 ; 이인성
Page pp.71-88
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시경관 ; 관리기법 ; 가시율 ; 시뮬레이션 ; CAD Urban Landscape ; Management Techniques ; Visibility Ratio ; Simulation ; CAD
Abstract Buildings are important components of streetscape. The size and shape of the buildings aredetermined by some Building-Control-Elements (BCE), such as Floor Area Ratio, Building-to-Land ratio, etc. These elements thus have strong influence on the streetscape. In this study,we analysed the effect of the BCE on the visual preference of the streetscape. Thecommercial streets in the Gang-Nam area of Seoul were selected for the case study. Thepreference of streetscape was surveyed, and the relationship between the BCE and visualpreference of streetscape was analysed through a path analysis method. The preference modelshowed relatively high explanation power(R2=0.525). The visual preference of streetscape canbe explained by three factors: ‘Tidiness’, ‘Openness’, and ‘Variety’. We developed visualindices, such as weighted visual blockage of buildings, weighted D:H ratio and weightedangle of elevation, and these indices showed a potential usefulness in the explanation of thepreference of the streetscape. Height control of buildings, had the highest causality, and waswidely connected to the other elements. The results demonstrated the possibility of managingthe quality of streetscape by determining a proper level of BCE.