Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Market Revitalization in Central Area
Authors 권대환 ; 윤은호 ; 채병선
Page pp.5-22
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 중심시가지 ; 공동화 ; 상가활성화 ; 활성화방안 Central Area ; Doughnut Phenomenon ; Market Revitalization ; Revitalization Strategy
Abstract In this study, an analysis of current status in land use, and the effects of the promotion ofcommercial activity policies such as land price trends studies were conducted in Gosa-dongshopping mall located in Jeonju city center. The results of this research are summed up asfollows. First, it was analyzed that land-use efficiency was low inside of the block, andtherefore alleys need to be upgraded and open spaces should be created in order to attractpedestrians. Secondly, it has been concluded that the improving the street environment ofstreet block have a positive effect in promoting commercial activity compared with the non-improvement block. Therefore more attention should be given to the maintenance offacilities. Thirdly, it is apparent that recent policies on commercial activity promotion areeffective only at certain sections of large-scale shops, and therefore linkages to core facilitiesmust be implemented.