Title |
A Study on the Meaning and Role of Cultural Perspective in Urban Design |
Keywords |
문화적 관점 ; 도심생활문화근린 ; 도시건축디자인/도시디자인 ; 공공성 ; 일상성 ; 장소성 Cultural Perspective ; Downtown Cultural Neighborhood ; Urban ArchitecturalDesign/Urban Design ; Publicness ; Everyday Life ; Placeness |
Abstract |
This research is based on the reawakened awareness of the meaning and role of the urbandesign in a cultural-information society. To place the urban design in the total space-planningfor the everyday environment, the perspective for the urban design must be converted to thecultural perspective. This research proposes three referential concepts of the urban design ;the publicness, the everyday life and the placeness. Ultimately, the practical meaning of urbandesign of the cultural perspective as constituting a design theory in that: 1) it develops ourspatial sensibility, 2) it gives occasion for the expression of our cultural imagination, and 3) itpromotes our practical planning ability. This research is limited to exploring the basicconcept, set out here, and directions for investigating a practical design methodology, as wellas to making suggestion for an exploratory framework in relation to this concept. Furtherstudy with many case studies are required to establish this design theory to be more objectiveand practical applicability. |