Title |
A Study on Efficient Development Size and Design Guideline Proposalfor the Small Multi-family Houses in Urban Residential Blocks |
Keywords |
소규모 집합주택 ; 소규모 개발 ; 적정 개발규모 ; 주거환경 개선 ; 합필 Small Multi-family Houses ; Small Development ; Efficient Development Size ; Improvement of Dwelling Environment |
Abstract |
This study proposes a small-scale development as an alternative to solve the problems ofmulti-family houses executed by lot development method within a general residential area. Ifthe super-block residential development is defined as a large-scale development and theblock-unit development as midium-scale development, a small-scale development can bedefined as being between the block-unit development and the lot development, smaller than ahalf block scale. This small-scale development presents efficient size within existing lotsystem to obtain high density and to secure sustainable dwelling environment, while adaptingto the existing urban formation and structure. Also, this is a particularly applicable within ageneral residential area, and development can be implemented by the residents. An efficientdevelopment size of small multi-family houses is examined through a simulation to calculatethe applicable size according to total usable areas, livability space ratio and the outdoor spaceperformance index together. Also this is compared with lot development to assure thepossibilities for improvements of the dwelling environments. |