Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title An Empirical Analysis of Underground Space Design Elements AffectingPedestrian Environment and Satisfaction
Authors 임윤환 ; 최막중
Page pp.47-56
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 지하공간 ; 보행환경 ; 계획요소 ; 요인분석 ; 순위형 로짓분석 Underground Space ; Pedestrian Environment ; Design Elements ; Factor Analysis ; Ordered Logit Model
Abstract This study empirically explores the effects of underground space design elements onpedestrian environment and satisfaction based upon the survey data collected from theunderground pedestrian mall (COEX mall) in Seoul. Factor analysis classifies various designelements into five factors; sense of direction, environmental quality, convenience, spaciousness,and diversity. Sense of direction represents wayfinding elements associated with the way spaceis structurally organized. Environmental quality covers a wide range of e n v i r o n m e n t a l /psychological elements including amenity, safety, and openness as well as air quality.Convenience is related to specific installments such as columns and street furniture which maydisturb pedestrian circulation. Spaciousness indicates space size determined by street width andheight. Diversity constitutes interesting things and luminosity, indicating that lighting plays animportant role in enhancing space variety. Furthermore, ordered logit analysis demonstrates thatenvironmental quality and spaciousness have the greatest influences on pedestrian satisfaction,while sense of direction also plays an important part in improving pedestrian environment.Based upon the findings, this study suggests that some design criteria be institutionallyprovided regarding at least street width and height as well as air quality in order to promotepublic health and safety in underground pedestrian malls.