Title |
A Study on the Improvement of the Landscape Management System interms of Co-relationship with Urban Planning System in Korea |
Keywords |
도시계획 ; 경관관리 ; 도시설계 ; 비교분석 Urban Planning ; Landscape Management ; Urban Design ; Comparative Study |
Abstract |
The legislation of Landscape Law is in the course of preparation for the formulation of thelandscape management system. However, confusion may occur because there are alreadymany clauses concerning landscape management in the urban planning system. Accordingly,it is necessary to study the landscape management with regards to the urban planning system.This study is about the present state of the landscape management in Korea and Japan. Its aimis to propose a landscape management improvement plan. The landscape management isanalysed in terms of the planning, management, project and the others which are related to theurban planning system. The result shows that many elements of landscape are managed by theurban planning system, but some elements that are not physical were not covered. Therefore,the contents in the urban planning system should be improved and added for the legislation ofLandscape Law. In addition, the study proposes some specific improvement measures for theurban landcape management. |