Title |
An Analysis of the Site-Layout for the Capitol of Chandigarh |
Keywords |
르꼬르뷔제 ; 인도 ; 찬디가르 ; 행정지구 ; 이상도시 ; 도시경관 ; 기하학적설계 Le Corbusier ; India ; Chandigarh ; Capitol ; Ideal City ; Cityscape ; Geometrical Design |
Abstract |
The aim of this paper is to analyse Le Corbusier’s(LC) architectural intentions on the site-layout for the Capitol of Chandigarh, India. Chandigarh project is the only constructed projectof LC’s urban planning since 1920s. In this project, LC was the Master architect and designedthe Capitol. The paper analyzes alteration process of site-layout and compositionalcharacteristics of the main buildings in terms of proper application of LC’s Urban andArchitectural principle. The result of this analysis were abstracted as follows: (1) The site-layout for the Capitol was stemmed from a deep consideration for its panoramic landscape;(2) Juxtaposing the Governor’s Palace and the Open Hand in the middle site background, LCput the Parliament and the High Court facing each other at each side while he positioned theSecretariate building towards the rest of the City in order to symbolize each building’sidentities; (3) Trying to endow a feeling of Unity with each separate buildings of differentfunctions, LC positioned the Governor’s Palace in the top-middle of the site and modulatedthis as a fundamental module unit volume for all other buildings, adopted Brises-soleil for allbuildings for climatic control and at the same time endowing a distinctive characters witheach buildings, and the umbrella motif was also applied to each building’s top in variousways in order to create a certain homogeneity; (4) Throughout the whole process, LC sustained his partner’s approach and this attitude created a feeling of special flowbetween buildings, and in and out of each buildings. Instead of fixed point perspectiveof old, LC tried to create a dynamic visual effect in which every objects should beidentified and related with human’s endless movement. |