Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Improvement for Residential Block and lot Design
Authors 정재용 ; 박훈
Page pp.19-32
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 단독주택 ; 신도시 ; 가구 ; 필지 Detached house ; Newtown ; Block ; lot
Abstract With economic development and demand for better quality of life, multi-family housingdesign has improved, but lot and block design for single family housing has not changed formore than 50 years. Thus, this paper’s aim is to propose a way to improve residential lot andblock design in Korea with particular reference to environmental quality. Throughcomparative analysis of domestic and foreign residential block development (physical andenvironmental analysis, etc), this study identified certain features for improving residentialquality. International cases revealed that through deep lot development enabling privategardens to form in the rear of the houses, high quality residential environment could bedeveloped to ensure such environmental elements of sunlight, privacy, noise, and openness.However, the reality of residential block design in Korea was not the case. A detailed analysisof Korean cases were undertaken to identify problems areas typical to Korean developmentmethods and to suggest ways of improving residential environment in future development.The research identified that deep-narrow lot development, diversity in housing types, lowerplot and floor area ratio, tighter control in site planning, and better public amenities wereneeded to improve quality of single family housing development.