Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Determining the Architectural Density and Standard forBuilding Heights in New Town Districts
Authors 최두호 ; 이주형
Page pp.61-76
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 뉴타운사업 ; 밀도 ; 기준용적률 ; 계획층수 New Town Project ; Density ; Standard F.A.R. ; Building Height Plan
Abstract In accordance with the enactment of the special law to maintain the organizational basis ofthe New Town projects, there is a growing demand to re-examine the New Town plans. Thisstudy aims at reviewing the New Town Projects, the density of the maintenance plans, and thestandard for determining heights of the buildings. The study also aims to solve problems thatmay arise from the enactment of the special law, and review new standard plans to improvepleasant housing environment that would be suitable for the location. To achieve this, thisstudy proposes planning index for 8 categories, and has classified the characteristics bydistributing points according to each category of the index. To materialize the proposed site,we have determined the building height standard and density according to type by specificsites. Also, to verify the the chosen standard, we completed simulation on a case example ofthe maintenance area of the 2nd New Town district in order to review the appropriateness andfeasibility of our study. Therefore, in this study, we have selected various planning indices fordesirable density and building height plan, and proposed quantitative planning standards.