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Title A Study on the Operation Direction of District Unit Planning for theRational Development of the Blighted Detached Dwelling Areas in Seoul
Authors 강우원 ; 장재영
Page pp.19-32
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 공동주택 ; 주택건설사업 ; 지구단위계획 ; 노후도 Apartment ; Housing Construction Projects ; District Unit Plan ; Lapse Year Possibility
Abstract This study aims to explore the rational operation direction of 'District Unit Plan' for thedevelopment of old detached dwelling area with special reference to Seoul Metropolitan City.Generally blighted detached dwelling areas and squatter settlements are improved by housingredevelopment and housing reconstruction projects. But housing construction projectsfounded by the Housing Act are mobilized to improve small-scaled residential areas andsquatter settlements. In response to the an effort to strengthen the concept of planning, districtunit planning is imposed on housing construction projects. District unit planning in housingconstruction projects discloses the various problems in operation and management in spite ofexcellent results: irregular form of area, insufficiency of infrastructure, absence of the criteriato up-zoning etc. To overcome the problems, we must recognize that the housing constructionprojects are privately-led development projects and are permitted under the fixed standards inurban planning freely. In addition, regarding contribution to public interests, degrees ofdecrepitude and agreement ratio of dwellers, the conditions of development must be lightened.And up-zoning should be permitted in the case of sufficient of infrastructure. A key conclusionis that under the fixed standards of urban planning, the condition of development must beeased in housing construction projects to improve small-scale residential and squatter areas.