Title |
Estimating the Valuation of C.B.D Green Corridor by ContingentValuation Method(CVM) in Seoul |
Keywords |
조건부가치측정법 ; 도심 남북녹지축 ; 지불의사액 추정 Contingent Valuation Method(C.V.M) ; Willingness to Pay(WTP) ; Estimating the Valuation ; Green Corridor ; Green Network |
Abstract |
This study empirically estimates the value of C.B.D green corridor in Seoul and offerssuggestions to policy-making process. The valuation of green corridor are calculated byContingent Valuation Method based upon the survey data collected from the citizens ofSeoul. As a result, it assumed the Willingness to pay(WTP) of making C.B.D green corridorto be about 718 won per month and total benefits of WTP to be about 34 billion won per year.Futhermore, the regression analysis demonstrates that the significant variables are thenecessity of the making the green corridor, satisfaction of the site's around green and leisurespace, the frequency of visits, age of users, and the time taken for access. Based upon thesefindings, this study suggests that the public investment project must regard the comprehensiveplan and also the integrated consideration of green network system in order to promoteefficiency and valuation. |