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Title A Study on the Characteristics of Change in Urban Spatial Structure byAnalysis of Land Value
Authors 노재윤 ; 배진원 ; 채병선
Page pp.45-66
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시공간구조 ; 지가변화 특성 ; 도시개발사업 Urban Spatial Structure ; Characteristics of Land Value ; District Development Projects
Abstract This study considered the influence of city planning and development on the change ofurban spatial structure by time-series analysis of land value characteristics of Jeon-ju. As anessential method for expressing urban space, land value is not only an index that expressess o c i a l·economical characteristics of the land by implication, but also decisively affectsdevelopment change of urban spatial structure. As an analysis method, this study usedArcview 3.3 in order to analyze the change relationship between building "residential sitedevelopment projects" and land value in Jeon-ju after the 1960s, and divided Jeonju into fourregions to examine micro level changes in land values in each region from 1990 to 2005. Notonly the direction of the overall city planning, but also the city management scheme of eachregion are presented based on the results. Accordingly, we have found that the various landprices depending on geographical locations coupled with their price changes showed that anincreased pressure was placed on the suburban areas for development due to the doughnutphenomenon, the formation of secondary centers of cities as well as the deregulation ofgreenbelts all as a result of the land development in outer areas.