Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Improvement of the Residential 2nd-District Unit Plan Guideline of Medium-Sized City
Authors 박환용 ; 김호철 ; 김덕례
Page pp.49-66
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 중소도시 ; 주거환경 ; 정비지침 ; 도시설계 ; 주거형 2종 지구단위계획 Medium-Sized City ; Residential Environment ; Renewal Guideline ; UrbanDesign ; Residential 2nd-District Unit Plan
Abstract Both improvement plan and District Unit Plan can be made in residential area within urban area. Inaddition, District Unit Plan can be established in rural area. Both improvement plan and District UnitPlan are the systems to maintain and improve residential environment; therefore, there are diversetypes of plans pursuing own purposes. However, similar design elements and decision procedures ofplanning are used uniformly. For instance, the element of the Residential 2nd-District Unit Plan,which should be made in rural area, is similar to Primary District Unit Plan, which is for urban area;furthermore, it is too complicated and nonobjective to construct our environment practically andtangibly. On the other hand, several distinctive characteristics are discovered from Design Guidelinesin the U.S. First, it shows specific construction elements considering peculiarity of cities. Second, itasks to find solutions which are able to guarantee residential identity. Third, it suggests visualplanning direction such as sketch and illustration. Fourth, there are no overlappings in the system ofplanning elements. In sum, this study proposes several strategies for better residential improvementin small- and Medium-sized cities in Korea: first, integrate and adjust similar and duplicated creatorin renewal guideline: second, concretize unclear guideline: third, simplify regulations related to buildings .