Title |
Housewives' Priority Behaviour and Traits of Physical Distance in Neighborhood Daily Lives in Multi-Family Housing Estates |
Keywords |
주거요구 ; 우선행동 ; 자기과제 ; 중요도 ; 행위발생장소 Need ; Priority Behavior ; Personal Project ; Importance ; Place |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to clarify housewives' priority behaviors and places to perform the priority behaviors in the aspects of neighborhood daily lives. In order to do this BIM (Behavior Important Measure) were compiled by using three methods (pictorial analysis, analysis of precedent studies, and brainstorming). Data collections were conducted on 387 housewives (structured interview: 306 housewives, open-ended interview: 81 housewives) for three months. The result of this study can be summarized as follows: First, priority behaviors are differentiated from daily lives in terms of “importance” and generalized by social class. Priority behavior becomes efficient concept that clarifies relationships among the daily activities, according to importance. Second, these priority behaviors are connected to specific places. The profile of places can be made by the profile of behaviors and the prior places in the profile of places are core-places in the neighborhood daily lives. |