Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Neighborhood Unit Plan of New Twon within Urbanized Area
Authors 오병록 ; 김기호
Page pp.37-54
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 뉴타운 ; 생활권 ; 시설이용 ; 동질의식 Newtown ; Neighborhood Unit ; Facility Use ; Sense of Identity
Abstract The New Town projects in Seoul were started to solve the problems of unbalanced development levels between north and south side of Han River in Seoul and to adress the problems of previous redevelopment projects. Many redevelopment projects had been implemented to improve the urban area in the north Seoul. However, they brought about disconnection among project areas and between project area and peripheral area because they were carried out by private sector on a project by project basis. In order to resolve such problems new town projects are needed to be carried out by public sector in neighborhood units. The purpose of this paper is to analyze neighborhood unit of the new town projects. A smaller neighborhood unit of the new town master plan is different from that of actuality. In practice, movement of people for subway station and road driven by cars separates neighborhood unit into two parts. The subway stations and roads play an import role of defining the boundary between neighborhood units. So the conditions of the neigborhood, the wider area and the movement of people must be understood by thorough analysis in setting up neighborhood unit.