Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study for Impact of Regional Variable on Bicycle Commuting
Authors 김용진 ; 이경환 ; 안건혁
Page pp.19-34
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 자전거 통근 ; 자전거 도로 ; 자전거 기반시설 Bicycle Commute ; Bicycle Path ; Bicycle Lanes ; Bicycle Infrastructure
Abstract This study aims to examine the relationship between bicycle infrastructure (lanes, paths and parking lots) and bicycle commuting in Seoul. The research was conducted by analyzing data from 25 Gu (an autonomous district) across the Seoul. This cross-sectional analysis is classified into two sections; one with the perspective of ‘within’ the Gu and the other with the perspective of the relations between adjoining Gus. In consequence, the analysis within the Gu shows that the Gu with higher levels of bicycle infrastructure witnessed higher levels of bicycle commuting. And higher numbers of bike commuters were seen in the Gus with the less than 5% gradient area. In the case of the analysis with the perspective of the relationship between adjoining Gus showed that the Gus with higher levels of road density, bicycle path density and bicycle parking lots density had more bike commuters. Both results shows that the width of bicycle path is significant. These results means that the increase in bicycle lanes and bicycle infrastructure of Seoul is encouraging more people to commute by bicycle.