Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Evaluation Method of People Participation in Urban Planning
Authors 조진희 ; 김동호 ; 황희연
Page pp.47-58
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 평가 방법 ; 주민참여 ; 2021년도 청주도시 기본계획 Method of Evaluation ; People Participation ; 2021 Cheongju Master Plan
Abstract The urban planning field started to realize the people's role in the planning process is important to have universality and possibility of realization of the plan. The objective of this study is to present a methodology evaluating people participation in the urban planning process. This study classified the existing charts of people participation, the five charts which assessed the people participation. Then this was evaluated by a model that gives weight to specific categories. The developed model was used to compare Cheongju city's 2021 master plan recognised as a good example which focused on people participation with other two city master plans which were established under the same conditions during the same time. The method used in this study was proven to be effective as the Cheongju city's people participation of 2021 master planning was superior than that of the other two cities.