Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Analysis on the Urban and Architectural Design Guidelines for the Formation of Urban Landscape
Authors 한지형
Page pp.101-116
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시경관 ; 디자인 지침 ; 도시구성 ; 건축미관 ; 도시공공공간 Urban Landscape ; Design Guideline ; Urban Composition ; Architectural Aesthetic Characteristic ; Urban Public Space
Abstract This study analyzes two streets' design guidelines in the ZAC of Paris Rive Gauche. The aim of this paper is two-fold : (i) to understand the actual tendency and (ii) to explore the meanings of these guidelines suggested in the regulations for architectural aesthetic characteristic and urban landscape in the urban redevelopment projects. Comparison of these two streets of which the design guidelines play a crucial role has been done according to four categories. The categories are as follows : hierarchy and rhythm of the street and urban public spaces; architectural volume and facade design; green spaces and planting; and sequence and specific urban landscape. By examining the contents of guidelines established in the transitional stage passing from urban design to architectural design, the relevancy between the formation of urban landscape and the decision of architectural form, and the control methods for landscape formation factors in the urban composition have been explored. This comparative analysis offers a clarification of the formal features of design guidelines such as the consistency of indications from the upper regulations to the detail regulations, the coordination of different opinion, inducement of their observance for the design guidelines and the efficient explanation of the rules for urban landscape formation using various and concrete graphic. Composed of concrete regulations, the design guidelines emphasized both the unity and the harmonization with the surroundings as well as the pursuit of liberty and diversity within the restrictions.