Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Improvement Strategy on the Standards to Determine a Renewal District for Blighted Residential Area - Focused on the District around the Area of 33 Dae-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon
Authors 배웅규 ; 김희재
Page pp.139-158
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 주거환경개선사업 ; 주택재개발 ; 주택재건축 ; 정비구역지정 ; 노후불량주거지역 Improving Project of Residing Environment ; House Redevelopment and Rebuilding ; Biighted Areas
Abstract The existing standards applied to designating a boundary for urban renewal project has led conflicts among neighbors within the district since the standards focus on the physical characters of the district and the primary survey was not sufficient to determine a persuasive district. This study, recognizing such problems, aims to propose an improvement strategy to develop a set of standards for determining a renewal district for blighted residential area. The study analyzes the limits of the existing standards under the Urban and Residential Environment Improvement Act by conducting a survey on the neighbors' opinions and the existing conditions in the case studies. It also simulates the proposed standards through the residents' survey. The study indicates that the standards should be applied to differently case-by-case with reflecting the neighbors' voices. Such approach should not only take into account social and economic factors along with physical conditions, but also have hierarchical processes guided by local characters.