Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Effects of Assembling Lots: Perspective from the Permissible Bulk
Authors 최창규
Page pp.171-186
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 공동개발 ; 건축가능공간 ; 개발용적 ; 사선제한 ; 도시 조직 Assembling Lots ; Bulk Envelope ; Permissible Bulk ; Setback ; Urban Tissue
Abstract Assembling lots is one of the major controlling tools for urban design in Korea. The study on the control, however, is rare. This study tries to analyze the effect of assembling lots with the perspective from the permissible bulk. By using the simulation model which could show the results of the control on floor areas, building heights and shapes, the research could have four findings as follows. First, assembling lots transforms the bulk envelope before influencing the permissible bulk. Urban designer who would use assembling lots should consider the bulk envelope the first target, not the permissible bulk. Second, the effect of the land assembly works on changing urban tissues under the complex structure of controlling factors. Third, the setback control for right-of-light would be more powerful on assembling lots than the setback regulation from the road. Fourth, when the latter control is affecting the lots alone, the landlord’s intention of assembling lots depends on the gap between the widths of the front roads adjoining the lots. If urban designer and planner know this anatomical structure of the regulation, they can effectively use assembling lots as a useful tool.