Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Determinant Factors and Probabilities of Ubiquitous Service Choice in an Apartment Housing Area
Authors 임유빈 ; 정상훈 ; 류중석
Page pp.181-198
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 유비쿼터스 서비스 ; 주거단지 ; 유비쿼터스 서비스 이용확률 ; 로지스틱 회귀분석 ; 다항 로짓모형 Ubiquitous Service ; Apartment Housing Area ; Choice Probability of Ubiquitous Service ; Logistic Regression ; Multi-Nomial Logit Model
Abstract The recent proposal of ‘Ubiquitous City Construction Act’ by the central government reflects a growing interest in ubiquitous services that may improve the everyday lives of citizens and the conditions of local economy. However, a difficulty remains in forecasting demands for ubiquitous services that are really wanted by their users. Setting priorities order in service provision should be considered as a key factor in successful realization of ubiquitous cities. This paper aims to analyze ubiquitous service demands and derives usage probability. To this aim, it conducts questionnaire surveys on the ways in which citizens conceive ubiquitous services. Key characteristics are derived based on chi-square independent test and t-test analyses in a way to identify factors that may affect the willingness of potential users to pay for the services. This leads to the conclusion that the willingness of users differ significantly according to the general property of households to which they belong, the degree of residence satisfaction, users’ preference in moving into ubiquitous residential housing. Factors affecting the choice of services are analysed by logistic regression analysis and usage probabilities by services are estimated by multi-nominal logit model. The usage probabilities by services can be listed as in the following order: u-health, u-traffic, u-education, u-prevention of crimes and disasters, uculture, u-environment, u-logistics, u-facility management, u-labor, u-other. The result of these analyses can be used for setting priorities of ubiquitous services in the local government.