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Title Land Donation-Acceptance Characteristics of Public Facilities in District Unit Plans by Private Sectors - Focused on the Case of Cheongju City
Authors 노희철 ; 황재훈
Page pp.37-52
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 기부채납 제도 ; 지구단위계획 ; 기부시설 ; 민간사업구역(제안) Land Donation-acceptance System ; District Unit Plan ; Land Donation Facilities ; Private Sectors
Abstract This study has been analyzed the present status and characteristics of 36 districts selected for the district unit plans by Cheong-ju city in 2008, and its purpose is to examine the Land Donation-acceptance characteristics by focusing on analyzing the Land Donation facilities from the 11 districts by private proposal. Method of study analyzes that is for the purpose of clarifying the Land Donation-acceptance characteristics, the Land Donation facilities were examined based on the factors like space (location, district), administration, consisting facility, and charge expense ratio. Deduce result is as follows; Firstly, the spatial (location, district) significances result in the districts did not show any regular pattern. The rate of the contribution was found very high when the accessibility of the facility from existing pows; Ffacility was extremely low.nifiondly, administration process showed that the Land Donationacceptance did not change the planning factor of the district unit plans. Thirdly, the frequent facility of Cheong-ju city has been determined on the rccdhe spCheong-ju city even the result had a lack of variety. Finally, the charge expense ratio analysis of the districts was 1.22% in average. Overall rate shows that the business expense by the contribution tends to rise as the Land Donation-acceptance rate increases.