Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Analyzing Urban Redevelopment Status under the Deregulated Urban Regeneration Policy in Tokyo
Authors 조승연
Page pp.19-32
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 규제완화 ; 일본 도시재생정책 ; 상업ㆍ업무공간 정비 ; 공공 공간 Deregulation ; Urban Regeneration Policy of Japan ; Urban Redevelopment in CBD ; Public Space
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analysis urban redevelopment features under the urban regeneration policy of Tokyo. Traditional CBD, having unlawful small plots and narrow roads problem, has been improved gradually by the amendment of Urban Planning Law and Architecture Standard Law. They use district plan for easing architecture form restriction. On the other hand, modern CBD is most beneficial area in which redevelopment projects were promoted by enactment of Special Laws. The Special Laws are focusing on private sector’s redevelopment projects for process simplification, financial support, urban renaissance special district which would be able to stand over usual zoning. These deregulation policy makes spread deregulation scope from special zone to most of CBDs. As the result, the total amount of redevelopment projects increased in tokyo under the these deregulation policy, however, there is hardly linked with quality of urban structure.