Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Analysis of the Relationships between Land Use Characteristics of Urban Transit Centers and the Level of Transit Usage: Case Studies of Seoul Metropolitan Area
Authors 손동욱 ; 김진
Page pp.33-44
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 대중교통지향형 도시개발 ; 개발밀도 ; 복합토지이용 Transit-Oriented Development ; Density ; Mixed Land Use
Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships between the level of transit usage and urban land use characteristics of the urban transit centers in Seoul Metropolitan Area. The results of the analysis indicate that development density and mixed land use are significantly associated with the level of transit usage. The level of transit usage in the transit centers where the proportion of residential area is higher than that of other uses is particularly sensitive to the increase of commercial areas and adjacency to facilities undermining the quality of pedestrian environment. It is recommended to improve the quality of pedestrian environment in the residential use dominating urban transit centers by adding more commercial uses and removing pedestrian-unfriendly uses such as parking lots and marriage ceremony halls. Such effort is the way to reducing the problems related to the high vehicle dependency in metropolitan area as well as improving the development efficiency of urban areas.