Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Development of Evaluation System for Public Design Policy as Urban Design - Focused on Evaluation for the Public Design Policy of Seoul
Authors 신예철 ; 김영걸 ; 구자훈
Page pp.5-22
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시디자인 ; 공공디자인 ; 정책평가체계 ; 균형성과관리시스템 ; 네크워크 분석적 의사결정방법 Urban Design ; Public Design ; Policy Evaluation System ; BSC System ; ANP
Abstract The goal of this research is to develop the Evaluation System for the public design policy as urban design that may create a foundation for Sustainable Life. The basic principles for the public design policy was drawn to Coordination, Communication, Locality, Everydayness, and Sustainability through the consideration of precedent studies and theories. Then the basic evaluation frame of public design policy was applied to the BSC system as evaluation of public policy. Based on the principles and framework, it explored the relationship between policy evaluation indicators and a priority of indicators through the ANP analysis. The priority of evaluation indicators was summarized in the followings: place making/identity, integrated plan, context, culture/creativity, and environment. The findings showed that public design policy of Seoul should focus on place-making/identity, localized strategy for master plan, citizen participation with organizational cooperation, and redefined public roles, over improving the physical design approach to the built structures.