Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Analysis of Resident Consciousness regarding the Effectiveness of the Wall Removal Project for Prevention of Crime
Authors 김상희 ; 김주현 ; 황희연
Page pp.5-20
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 담장허물기 사업 ; 범죄예방환경설계 ; 방범만족도 ; 범죄불안감 ; 실효성 평가 Wall Removal Project ; CPTED ; Crime Prevention Satisfaction ; Fear of Crime ; P.O.E
Abstract The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of [Wall Removal] project a local government driven in the aspect of crime prevention through a survey investigating their consciousness regarding the residents of project area. Therefore, the area of Guro 5-dong in Guro-gu where the wall removal project was to be held was selected as a case for the Green Parking project in Seoul, and then, questionnaire survey regarding the residents in this area was performed for comparative analysis of the change of consciousness before and after the project. That is, the residents consciousness regarding the effect of crime prevention in regards to the physical planning factor of CPTED was investigated to analyze the degree of effect of changed physical environment factor on satisfaction for crime prevention after the performance of the wall removal project. As a result, the consciousness of residents changed before and after performing the project regarding survey items including satisfaction for crime prevention. Also, the average score of all planning factors showed normal (3.0) or higher as a result of measuring the physical planning factors of CPTED. In addition, after the project was held, as a result of analyzing the degree of effect of changed physical environment on satisfaction for crime prevention, it showed that partial planning factors had positive effect on satisfaction for crime prevention. It is judged that such results would be meaningful as basic data regarding wall removal project in the aspect of CPTED in the future.