Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Effects of Physical Environmental Determinants on Place Identity in Commercial Streets - Focused on Commercial Streets in Myung-dong, Seoul
Authors 이한울 ; 안건혁
Page pp.41-54
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 장소성 ; 장소정체성 ; 상업가로 ; 명동 ; 회귀분석 Sense of Place ; Place Identity ; Commercial Street ; Myung-dong ; Regression Analysis
Abstract Despite the rise of demand to high quality public places that have their own unique identity, no definitive answer has been given to the question what design factors make more place identity. In this paper, I will attempt to for the purpose clarify how to design the commercial streets. In this paper, I will attempt to analyze the effects of the changes of each physical environmental determinant on place identity, focused on streets in Myung-dong, famous commercial district in Seoul, with a purpose to make empirical evidences that could be referred by public space designers. Using a Edward Relph's theoretical model of place identity we construct a regression model for place identity in commercial streets. The results of regression analysis show physical elements D/H ratio, paving of street, width of building that enhance place identity in commercial streets. Proceeding from this fact, it should be concluded that we have to increase similarities of physical elements to enhance place identity of commercial street.