Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Process of Golf Courses Being Residential Environmental Factors in the Seoul Metropolitan Area - In the case of Yong-in City
Authors 곽서연 ; 안건혁
Page pp.5-23
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 골프장 ; 용인시 ; 아파트 단지 ; 어메니티 주거환경 Golf Course ; Yong-In City ; Apartment ; Amenity ; Residential Environmental Factor
Abstract This study looks at how golf courses have evolved to become one of the housing environmental qualities through empirical examination in attempt to understand how the golf courses can be conceived as an amenity element of urban planning. Two analyses are conducted on the apartment areas of Yong In city. First, relevant newspapers and journals from 1990 to 2010 are analyzed by content analysis method to examine whether the golf courses have become residential environmental factors with various housing values. Second, the design of apartment housings surrounding Hansung C.C. are analyzed to survey whether the golf courses have any influence on the housing environmental qualities. The results of the study are summed up as follows. From a number of media sources it is evident that the golf courses have played their part in housing environmental qualities and that its roles have diversified over the years from an indicator of location to an economic value with beautiful scene, and recently, to an infrastructure of residential areas that promotes healthy lifestyle. Also, from a design analysis of the case area it is certain that the golf courses have influenced on the condition of the building design as a container of scenic view value.