Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Urban Planning Strategy for Carbon Neutral City
Authors 김정곤 ; 최정은
Page pp.41-53
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 탄소 중립도시 ; 탄소저감 ; 순환형 신진대사 도시 ; 분산적 집중 Carbon Neutral City ; Carbon Reduction ; Circular Metabolism City ; Decentralized Concentration
Abstract This paper is aimed at proposing a urban planning model for making Carbon Neutral City, which is a emerging concept in the climate and energy era. Carbon Neutral City follows the principles of circular metabolism, which is emerged from eco-city and sustainable city concepts. Circular metabolism is established on inter-connectedness among a variety of planning elements. To realize carbon-neutrality, the Carbon Neutral City model incorporates three action strategies : reduced energy demand, efficient energy supply and management, and renewable energy use. As planning and design elements in the six sectors are checked if they respond to climate change in terms of mitigation and adaptation, the Carbon Neutral City model is proposed to tackle both climate change and energy crisis. The Carbon Neutral City model is derived from the in-depth study of outstanding cases in European countries such as Germany, Sweden and Denmark. The planning of ‘Carbon Neutral City’ is not planning on a flat ground or planning conforming to linear metabolism any more, but rather a multi-faceted planning which maximizes efficiency by inter-connectedness and planning obeying circular metabolism. It should not be a standardized application of technical elements, but rather a serial and iterative process of selection, elaboration, application and prediction of planning elements according to the potential of renewable energy sources and the locational or geographical conditions. Planning ‘Carbon Neutral City’ is planning for the future of city through setting future visions and examining present directions for change.