Title |
Directions for Establishing the Environmental Guidelines in Planning for Housing Complexes |
Keywords |
주거단지 ; 환경가이드라인 수립방향 ; 배터리파크시티 ; 밀레니엄빌리지 ; 말뫼Bo01 Housing ; Direction of Environmental Guidelines ; Battery Park City ; Millennium Village ; Malmo Bo01 |
Abstract |
Major cities around the world are heading to the directions of sustainable, environment-friendly, high-technology city, which would lessen greenhouse gases and respond to climate changes. It is possible to shift to the urban structures of low-energy consumption modes with a combination of combining new technologies and environment. This shift will provide a new dimension in urban housing. Through strategic uses of the environmental guidelines, cities are promoting the eco-friendly urban housing complexes. Currently, the country is grafting green technologies onto urban infrastructure and enacting legislation for low-carbon urban housing for energy savings. Thus, the purpose of this study is to propose a direction of environmental guidelines for energy-saving housing complexes. To do that, this study analyzes similar guidelines of the overseas’ models, which include Battery Park City in New York, Millennium Village in London, and Bo01 in Malmo, Sweden. To summarize, environmental guidelines should set up specific standards about renewable energy, and educate the community about environmental issues through an information system. Secondly, these guidelines should be drawn up with a holistic view that recognizes land use, traffic planning, and the regional economy, while considering standards and cost implications related to eco-technology. Finally, these should not be temporary standards but the framework which can consistently be revised and accept new technologies and community opinions. To ensure the guidelines, a checklist and statement of responsibility are included in. |