Title |
The Relationship between Characteristics of Pedestrian Movement and Internet Photo through the Space Syntex Analysis - Focused on Apgujeong-dong in Seoul |
Keywords |
공간구문론 ; 축선도 ; 인터넷사진 ; 압구정동 Space Syntax ; Axial-Map ; Internet Photo ; Apgujeong-dong |
Abstract |
The development of the internet has changed the pedestrian movement. Thus, this study aims to identify the relationship between characteristics of the pedestrian movement and internet photo on grid street system, and to suggest the new complementary factors of space syntax. The findings of this study are as follows : First, the correlation between pedestrian volume and connectivity of space syntax is very high on grid street system. Second, old complementary factors of space syntax has a close relationship between pedestrian volume and distribution of the stores. Third, the distribution of the photos in the internet photo map, a newly suggested index, has the close relationship with pedestrian volume, and had the highest level of explanation when supplemented by local integration of space syntax. In conclusion, internet photo and pedestrian movement are closely related and the outcomes of space syntax using the internet photo may be utilized as a preliminary reference for understanding the urban space structure. |